1:1 Breathwork Session


the power of the breath

Breathwork uses the simplest yet the most powerful healing tool available to you – your breath. It is a process of self-discovery and empowerment that allows you to come to a place of balance, peace and bliss in the body. It opens up the respiratory system — sometimes for the first time — flooding the body with Life Force Energy.

When breathing is full and connected “activation” occurs creating a high vibrational frequency in the body. This process can trigger emotional and physical responses, often revealing things we’ve suppressed or held back that are asking for release. This work is meant to restore us to our most empowered selves, to witness and release past trauma energy still held in the body, old programs and any other negativity in the subconscious that no longer serves our highest good.

It also supports natural healing, and restructures the internal systems.

During sessions, Virginie will monitor your breathing, and use her own mix of trauma-informed tools: diverse breathwork technics, guided self-massage, energy healing, sound, movement and coaching to encourage “activation”, release and deep relaxation.

75min, 1:1 sessions are available online via Zoom

Virginie creates a safe environment to release layers of stress, anxiety, tension, holding pain stored in the body giving room for clarity, lightness and calm to reveal themselves. She will support you in regulating your nervous system so you can start to consistently feel good!

Through breathwork you will gain

For the body

  • Increases oxygen levels in the body

  • Retrains your breath to use the whole respiratory system

  • Revitalizes & rejuvenates the body

  • Improves circulation and increases cardiovascular capacity

  • Increases energy levels

  • Increases immunity & helps fight diseases

  • Slows the heart rate & lowers blood pressure

  • Detoxification

  • Improves the metabolism and stimulates the digestive system

For the mind & emotions

  • Helps alleviate stress, depression & anxiety

  • Increases ability to manage strong emotions & display new behaviours

  • Increases mental wellness, clarity & inner confidence

  • Improves mood & emotional intelligence

  • Restores emotional wellbeing

  • Improves creativity, decision making, speaking up & being heard

  • Calms the nervous system, aiding better sleep & relaxation

For the Spirit

  • Greatly increases the connection to the present moment

  • Helps to develop a strong sense of self

  • Increases self-compassion, love & kindness

  • Helps to shed layers of conditioning and outmoded patterns of thinking & being

  • Brings a new positive outlook on life, letting go of negative, unwanted thoughts & feelings

Breathwork Session Cost


75 MINS | £85

Ideally a minimum of 3 sessions is a great place to start, I offer discounts for a block booking of sessions so please get in touch to find out more!

Discover more about how the session works below or contact me directly if you have any questions.

Sessions last on average 75mins but can be adapted to fit schedules.

1:1 sessions are available online only at the moment via Zoom.

Online sessions are as powerful as a face to face sessions and can be even more enjoyable as done from the comfort of your own home. Release happens in a state of safety and surrender which for some is easier to reach while in their own environment. This allows us to dive deeper faster.

Breathwork sessions can be very powerful and not needing to commute home afterwards can be extremely beneficial for integrating, processing and nurturing.

What to expect

  • During a Breathwork session, Virginie will work with a powerful mix of tools and techniques to encourage a free flowing connected breath using the whole respiratory system. These techniques include a variety of trauma-informed breathing techniques depending on your needs including a conscious-connected breathing technique alongside sound, guided acupressure, movement, toning, coaching and energy healing .

  • Breathwork sessions take place online at the moment. Each session lasts around 75 minutes and will include talking time to understand your needs and personalise your experience. Followed by a breathwork session, relaxation and after care.

  • A 1:1 breathwork session will give you clarity on how to calm the nervous system and manage the breath if strong emotions come up. I will be there to guide you through each stage, helping you release whatever comes up for you. The body will only allow emotions to come up that it is ready deal with and process.

  • It’s not uncommon during a session to laugh uncontrollably, cry, feel hot or cold, lightheaded, shake, feel numb or tingly, get angry or feel like you’re floating in bliss. It’s also not uncommon to simply feel a deep sense of peace and quiet relaxation. Whatever your experience, it requires the courage to focus on the breath long enough to allow yourself to become deeply present to the energetic shifts occurring within.

  • Every session is different and brings what is needed in the moment.

Preparing for your online Breathwork session

We will create a calm, comfortable space in a room or space that you feel safe in.

  • Wear comfortable clothes. Loose clothing, no buttons, zips or tight straps and ideally no make-up as it’s important to see your skin tone. Warm socks are a must — in case of body temperature changes.

  • Drink plenty of water. Or herbal drinks from 48 hours before our session and avoid caffeine and alcohol.

  • After our session. You might like to arrange a quiet evening after your session as you will be processing and integrating up to 48 hours afterwards. It will be beneficial to take it really easy.

Precautions and Contraindications

Breathwork results in certain specific physiological and psychological changes. As a precaution, the following conditions are contraindicated:

  • Pregnancy

  • Detached retina 

  • Glaucoma

  • High blood pressure (not controlled with medication) 

  • Cardiovascular disease including angina, previous heart attack or stroke

  • Diagnosis of aneurysm in the brain or abdomen

  • Uncontrolled thyroid conditions and diabetes

  • Asthma; if the client is asthmatic, ask them to bring their inhaler to the session

  • Epilepsy

  • Prior diagnosis of bipolar disorder, schizophrenia or previous psychiatric condition

Breathwork Session Enquiry Form