Reiki Level 1 + Level 2 Training

At The Holding Space, Virginie teaches Usui Reiki. It is the first modern form of Reiki, the original Reiki rediscovered and practiced by Dr Mikao Usui. Most current Japanese and Western branches today have Usui Reiki as root and main reference.



1-day course that introduces you to the system of Reiki. Through the attunement, you will open energetically and feel the flow/connection to Universal energy. Reiki level 1 focuses on self-healing, personal development, and sharing Reiki with family, friends, and pets. 

  • In the first half of the day, you will learn

  • what Reiki is and its history

  • the human energy field and the chakras

  • the foundations and guidelines for Energy Healing

  • insights into the nature of diseases

  • techniques for aura cleansing, grounding and connecting

  • Reiki breathing and visualization

  • Reiki level 1 attunement

  • In the second half of the day, there will be lots of practice and you will learn

  • the hand positions for giving others a Reiki treatment and for self-healing

  • the structure of a healing session, how to prepare the space, yourself and the receiver

  • sensing the different chakras and using the Reiki Chakra Balancing Technique

  • how to use Reiki for healing pets, growing plants and energizing your food

  • an introduction to “Byosen” (energy scanning technique)

  • the Five Reiki Principles (“Gokai” in Japanese)

  • the benefits of Reiki and how it complements other therapies

The course fee includes an internationally recognised Usui Reiki Level 1 certificate, a comprehensive course manual, refreshments, and support after the course via email or whatsapp.

Next Course Dates: TBC

If none of the dates suit you, then 1-to-1 tuition can be arranged.

Location: The Holding Space - Dulwich - London SE21 8EE (on-street free parking)
Times: 10am - 4:30pm



A 1-day course that deepens your connection and refines your ability to work with Reiki. This course introduces and attunes you to 3 sacred Reiki symbols including the Distance Healing symbol. Distance Healing is an invaluable tool for helping people when you can’t be physically with them. The use of the symbols will also aid your personal development, strengthen your Reiki and take you further on your spiritual path.

Level 2 is also known as the Practitioner level and enables you to open your own Reiki practice and give professional treatments.

  • Highlights of Reiki Level 2

  • initiation into the three sacred Reiki Level 2 symbols

  • Reiki Level 2 attunement, which will significantly increase your energy

  • Distance Healing across space and time, allowing you to heal your past, prepare for the future and help others even when far away

  • techniques for automatic and multiple healing, enabling you to send Reiki to recurring events and several receivers at the same time

  • giving each other a Reiki treatment using the symbols

  • plenty of practice

  • aspects of the professional practice, keeping treatment records, insurance, choice of treatment space, code of ethics

The course fee includes an internationally recognized Usui Reiki Level 2 certificate, a comprehensive course manual, refreshments, and support after the course via email or whatsapp.

Next Course Dates: December 30th 2023

If none of the dates suit you, then 1-to-1 tuition can be arranged.

Location: The Holding Space - Dulwich London - SE21 8EE (on-street free parking)
Times: 9:30am - 2:30pm


Testimonials From Past Students

What is Reiki Energy Healing?

Reiki is an ancient system of healing; its translation from Japanese means “Universal Life Force” “Cosmic Vitality” and refers to the universal energy which permeates all of us and the entire universe.

Mikao Usui developed the “Usui System of Natural Reiki Healing” in the early 1900s, one of the most powerful yet gentle ways of healing with energy. It is practiced by transmitting spiritually guided life force, primarily through the hands.

Reiki supports the body’s natural ability to heal; balancing and aligning the mind, body, and spirit and is one of the most comfortable ways to inner peace, balance, and natural health.

Benefits of Reiki

  • Relieves physical pain, stiffness & tension

  • Enables deep relaxation 

  • Increases vitality, energy, confidence

  • Promotes natural self-healing

  • Boosts the immune system

  • Improves sleep

  • Detoxification

  • Stress relief (many diseases result from accumulated stress)

  • Release of emotional & energetic blockages

  • Helps alleviate depression, fatigue & anxiety

  • Restores emotional balance & mental clarity

  • Aids meditation & positive thinking

  • Energetic nourishment

  • Spports one’s personal & spiritual growth.

  • Aligns to heart and soul purpose

  • Brings to awareness limiting beliefs & conditioning

  • A healthy mind-body connection

  • Rejuvenation – many people look years younger after a Reiki session!

Why learn Reiki?

Becoming attuned to Reiki is truly a magical gift. Not only it allows you to soothe yourself, clarify your mind and become deeply relaxed in a matter of minutes and this anytime /anywhere but it also allows you to offer the same to your loved ones, pets and clients. Reiki helps to bring positive change across the whole of your life; it is a profound, safe and transformative holistic healing therapy and spiritual pathway; it is pure Unconditional Love.

If you are feeling stuck, disconnected, or finding it hard to access inner peace then learning Reiki will greatly assist you. Your energy body and therefore your life will begin to return to harmony and alignment with your highest good.

All Reiki courses are taught by The Holding Space founder & Reiki Master Teacher Virginie and are designed to fully combine the spiritual with the practical. The lineage from Master Teacher to Student is important in keeping the original energy and ethics in the practice. Our lineage runs directly back to the founder Dr Usui, and so it goes on to our students.

In just a day, after a Reiki Level 1 course, you will become a Reiki healer and be able to connect to the Universal Life Force Energy. Reiki is one of the most wonderful gifts to give yourself and others and a powerful life-changing tool; it is an honour for us to be able to share it with you.

Reiki Training Enquiry Form